Thanks to everyone, especially the nutcases, who came to our launch party…

…to celebrate The Book of Zane!!

TBOZ_final coverWe had a great time–and thanks to Pilar for reading some excerpts, in her inimitably expressive way.

You know what you have to do now, everyone–go to Classic Lines in Squirrel Hill and get a book!  Get one for your mom, your valentine, your mailman…get one for your teacher, your best friend.  And read it yourself if you haven’t.


Portrait of Zane

Take it from me, Zane, it’s a great book (a safe one!) to read.


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Pittsburgh Book Launch!

Zane’s Book Launch is Coming:



January 24, 2015

7 -9 PM

Classic Lines

5825 Forbes Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Join us for literary merriment and loads of fun!!


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The Book of Zane is coming out soon!

Sunbury Press is publishing The Book of Zane.  We planned to have it out early in December 2012, then Feb. 2013 then May…now we’re targeting June 2013–that’s right–later this month Zane could be in your hands!   Keep your fingers crossed, your eyes peeled and do hold your breath if you think that will help…  You can find out where to purchase it here as soon as it’s available!

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The Book Of Zane


Tell us your thoughts about the information posted. 


Here’s what’s inside The Book Of Zane:




Table of Contents:

Zane’s Prologue or Read At Your Own Risk

1.   Zane Huston Arrives

2.   The Tower of Babel

3.   Dingo

4.   The Orange Letter

5.   Sweet Opal Stone

6.   The Sign of the Fish

7.   Anjali

8.   Platero Y Zane

9.   The Office of Control

10.  Las Nubes

11.  The Doctor and the Super Model

12.  Una Inundación Poco

13.  Fenius Spill’s Swan Song

14.  Santuario

Discover more about Zane’s adventures!

What happens when Zane finds himself in a race against time to solve the final mystery; a mystery so dark, it threatens to destroy his beloved Tower, the staff and all of the inmates, including a man Zane suspects is his father and a girl that he loves…?

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